How do I download an eBook from one of the Library databases?

EBSCO, PROQUEST etc... let the user view eBooks in the browser but also download them.


Note: Due to publisher restrictions, some ebooks cannot be downloaded or only sections can be downloaded.


Here are the very basic steps to download an eBook:
Remember that off campus, prior to anything, you will be asked to authenticate with your AUP credentials.
  • ADE = Adobe Digital Edition
    • Download/install ADE Adobe Digital Editions on your personal laptop/PC. Note ADE ins't installed on AUP computers as unfortunately it isn't an application that can be deployed.
    • Create an ADE account
    • "Authorize Computer" ("Help" menu): enter you ADE credentials
  • Library Database
    • Sign on : prior to downloading an eBook, the database provider (EBSCO, Proquest...) will ask you to sign on; i.e. you need to create your account with the eBook vendor
      • ! This sign on step is different from authentication with your AUP credentials when off campus; this is an extra step
      • You will need to sign on on campus
      • Exception: for Proquest (former eBrary), you sign on with your AUP credentials; whereas for EBSCO you need to create your own account.
    • "Download" your ebook
      • Select for how many days you need it (1 to 21 days)
      • A file with and extension .acsm will be downloaded
  • Launch ADE
    • You should see the eBook in your Library or...
    • ...You may have to "Add to Library" first via ADE "File" menu
      • Locate the downloaded file
  • Note: The books you download on one device will appear automatically across all the devices you have ADE on, provided you have "Authorize[d] [this] computer"



  • Last Updated Oct 05, 2020
  • Views 203
  • Answered By Laurence Amoureux

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