How do I link to Library electronic resources?

ex. on BlackBoard or within bibliographic citations


Do not use the URL in your browser, it simply won't work:

  • When you search a database, temporary information specific to that search is added  (date, time, etc.) and the URL at the top of the page may not work at a later time.
  • Also, the url in your browser doesn't contain authentication information that will permit access to the full text off campus.

Instead, use the 'persistent' link, or 'permanent link', aka permalink.

  • Here are examples:


There are 2 main reasons why on BlackBoard you want to link to full text and not post pdfs:

- Intellectual Property

- Linking to online resources will allow us to track usage of resources; cost per use is taken into account and may lead to cancellation if too high


Do not hesitate to recommend a title for purchase if it is not part of the Library collections.



  • Last Updated Feb 14, 2024
  • Views 112
  • Answered By Laurence Amoureux

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